Chain of ownership (was KIM/MOS-Tech)

From: Richard A. Cini, Jr. <>
Date: Thu Sep 3 18:46:41 1998

To Sam and any others:

> Also, who owns the rights to the Altair 8800 now? Percom? ICOM? Ed
> Roberts? What happened after all the buyouts and bakruptcies?

    I'll do some research on this if someone can give me a complete chain of
ownership (as far as anyone knows), approximate dates, addresses, any notes
on bankruptcies, etc.

    My attorneys are alyaws looking for interesting projects :-)

Rich Cini/WUGNET <>
  - ClubWin/CW7
  - MCP Windows 95/Windows Networking
  - Preserver of "classic" computers
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Received on Thu Sep 03 1998 - 18:46:41 BST

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