On 5 Sep 98, at 11:52, Allison J Parent wrote:
> No, server is a newer concept. It was an integrated multiuser system where
> there was one CPU (Z80) per user and likely ran CP/M, MPM (or clone like
> turbodos). The 8086 was likely a local server for disks and such to the
> local z80s. They all used the bus as a physically short network to
> exchange data.
The Altos 586 ran Xenix off the 8086 IIRC. My father's office used
one about that time for their accounting. They looked at the Altos,
a Fortune and one other Unix based system at the time and picked
the Altos. They felt the company had a little better staying power
over the others. Not a bad little system, they ran 3 users with no
more than 1 meg of memory and could have put a couple more on
it. Don't recall the sizes of the disks.
David Williams - Computer Packrat
Received on Sat Sep 05 1998 - 11:09:04 BST