Booklovers: Danger!

From: John Lawson <>
Date: Sun Sep 6 00:24:37 1998

  Maybe I shouldn't post this.... O wot'th'ell, here goes.

 I have discovered recently a very dangerous on-line book service,
which, in my *very* humble opinion, just beats the bloody tar out of
the 'major' ones.. (Amazon, Barnes, etc). Some of you Listmembers
may already be aware of these folks.. if not, the URL is;


  I'm *definitely* in Big $$$ Trouble. I have a very large library,
around 10K volumes, journals, periodicals, papers... collected over
many years. A lot of it is old, wierd, rare, fringe-science,
technology, engineering, computing, etc.

  Now I find ABE (American Book Exchange) and they've got titles
I've been searching for for *ages*... including a book I read in 4th
Grade and never heard of since... oh dear: most of the booksellers
on ABE take credit cards... damn, damn, damn...!

  I've already found over $1K of stuff I must have.. NOW!

  Anyway, I hereby disclaim and hold myself inurred and harmless
from anyone who goes bankrupt because I turned them on to ABE.

  Just try searching with Van Nostrand or Wiley or Howard Sams
entered in the 'Publisher' slot... or pdp-11 in the 'keywords'

  I'm in **trouble** !

Cheers ;}

Received on Sun Sep 06 1998 - 00:24:37 BST

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