
From: Phil Clayton <>
Date: Sat Sep 5 23:08:23 1998

I have an Armdroid Robotic (Circa early 80's) Arm by D & M Computing Inc..
This is a really elaborate Arm with computer interface and small computer
controller included, with a hugh manual about 6 inches thick on its programing and
operation.. The thing is heavy (about 40lbs) and built like a rock. Wondering if
anyone knows anything about this unit. It was previously used in colleges for
Robotics training. It needs some minor repairs, some of the cables on the stepper
motors have come loose, and a couple of pulleys need replacement..


Jim wrote:

> I was just watching a thing on robots and they mentioned some of the early
> 80s attempts. Does anyone have in their collection a H.E.R.O, or other robots
> of that vintage?
> --
> Jim Strickland
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Received on Sat Sep 05 1998 - 23:08:23 BST

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