On 6 Sep 98 at 20:26, Marion Bates wrote:
> I have a VIC-20 that didn't come with a video cable, but I later found what
> appeared to be the right one. The part that plugs into the computer has a
> half-circle of five connectors, and on the other end there are two RCA-type
> plugs, one red and one black. Regardless of which one I plug into the
> "video-in" port on my TV, I get perfect video (why does it work with both?) --
> but no audio, whether I plug the second RCA plug into the left or the right
> "sound-in" jack on the TV. Is this the wrong cable, or is there a problem with
> using a stereo TV? (Or is there a fault somewhere?)
> Thanks,
> -- MB
It's been a while and my VICs are buried under a pile of other stuff but I
think the problem is that the box is a RF modulator that has to go directly
into your TV to split the signal into audio and video. I don't remember there
being 2 RCA outlets on the modulator but in any case you need to connect it to
your TV with a switchbox like the ones used by Atari 2600 and CoCos. They
have a switch to change between TV or Computer and attach to your antennae or
cable inputs. IIRC the 5 pins were +5v, ground, video hi, video lo, audio. The
switch- boxes are readily available at any Radio-Shack.
The 'official' VIC-20 FAQ by Ward Shrake is posted at:
unless it's been changed recently. An excellent FAQ.
ciao Larry
Received on Sun Sep 06 1998 - 17:35:30 BST