OS/VS-DOS/VSE-VM/370 Ass. lang manual

From: Lawrence Walker <lwalker_at_mail.interlog.com>
Date: Mon Sep 7 01:15:33 1998

 I was going thru a bunch of old material and I ran across this IBM
manual that I had squirrelled away from a garbage find in the early 80s
that also included a bunch of Bytes. It's a 6th edition (Mar 79) and says it
applies to Release 4 of OS/VS1, Release 3 of OS/VS2 ,Release 2 of VM/370,
DOS/VSE, and all other releases
 A descrptive heading says "This manual describes the OS/VS -DOS/VSE-
VM/370 assembler language. It's a 450 page XEROXed copy.
 I know ziltch about non-micros and am wondering if this is of any value
(in the intellectual sense) ?

ciao larry
Received on Mon Sep 07 1998 - 01:15:33 BST

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