Service Manuals & Schematics needed

From: Scott McLauchlan <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 19:58:55 1998

At 08:07 8/09/98 PDT, Max Eskin <> wrote:

>Well, the C64 had a schematic in the reference manual, as did the
>Apple ][. I would be willing to photocopy either.

If you're after schematics for Commodore micros, check out

There are schematics for the C128, C64, VIC-20, Plus-4, PET2001, PET8032,
KIM-1 and various peripherals such as floppy disk drives, printers,
datasettes, etc.


| Scott McLauchlan |"Sometimes the need to mess with their heads |
| Client Services Division| outweighs the millstone of humiliation." |
| University of Canberra |___________Fox_Mulder_"The_X-Files:_Squeeze"_|
|| |
Received on Tue Sep 08 1998 - 19:58:55 BST

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