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From: David Williams <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 22:21:52 1998

Don't worry Sam, this is one item that won't find it's way up to
EBay. I'm already in the process of going through it and looking at
installing it in my Apple ///. And yes, I have a shrink-wrap gun so if
I wanted to make millions on EBay I can alway re-wrap it. :-) It
was just a small part of me didn't want to break the virgin seal.

Looking at the cover of the box it says,


SOS and CP/M I see but DOS? Yes I know it's Apple DOS 3.3
and not MS-DOS; I guess they are refering to the Apple //
emulation mode as I don't think the /// could handle DOS on its

On 9 Sep 98, at 18:51, Sam Ismail wrote:

> Don't be afraid to strip away the shrink-wrap and use this thing. Unless
> you're planning on selling this at auction 20-30 years from now, I don't
> think there's much sense in keeping it in this condition. If you had,
> say, 3 or 4 of them in shrinkwrap, or one loose card and 1 in shrinkwrap,
> then sure, I'd keep it in shrinkwrap for show. But if you've only got
> one, open it up and use it.
> And as you alluded to, there's no telling how many times the box you have
> has been shrink-wrapped in the past for re-sale. And if you want to
> return it to its "pristine" condition, you can always re-shrinkwrap it
> once you've had your fun with the card.

David Williams - Computer Packrat
Received on Wed Sep 09 1998 - 22:21:52 BST

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