WTB: Apple // (I think)

From: Jason Willgruber <roblwill_at_usaor.net>
Date: Wed Sep 9 22:48:11 1998


Please forgive me if I mess up on any model numbers or names here. I'm not
all that familiar with Apple computers.

I'm looking for an old Apple // (?) - The small portable type. I'm looking
for the older model with the 5.25" built-in disk drive (external p/s). I'm
looking for the type with the LCD display. If you have one without one,
let me know anyway. I don't want to pay all that much for one (w/o LCD),
because they're fairly common (my school probably has about 20 on each
floor, but they don't want to get rid of any of them).

I need it to replace an old Franklin Ace 1200 that's a little too big for
the limited space that I have. All I'm basically looking for is the main
computer. I'm not looking for any manuals, disks, monitors (unless it's
LCD), or anything like that. I'll I'm asking is that it works (I have a

As for the Franklin, if anyone's interested in it, make me an offer
(+shipping). It's an Apple ][+ compatible w/dual built-in 5.25" disk
drives, 80-column and 40-column card, joystick, Amdek 13" color composite
monitor, Original system disks, AppleWorks, and all the manuals. The
computer works great, but it's just too big. You can see what it looks
like at:


It's not a very good picture, but it is the same unit that I have. The
printer card, however has been switched in mine (I think), and was used
with a Star Gemini 10-X printer (until it died). I'll also include the
printer cable (connects to Centronics -standard printer). The version of
AppleWorks also takes care of the missing open and closed-apple keys.
Received on Wed Sep 09 1998 - 22:48:11 BST

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