On 9 Sep 98, at 21:17, Sam Ismail wrote:
> I know exactly how you feel. There's something special about a piece of
> computer equipment that's stayed in its original, pristine state for 15
> years. I'm the same way, as are many other people for some strange
> psychological reason. But if I really want to use it, there's no sense in
> depriving myself of it just because its in such a state.
Exactly. And after I overcame the small urge to leave it wrapped,
what do I find? The disks and each of the manuals are individually
wrapped as well! Arg! Now I have to fight the urge again, though
not as strong this time.
Everything was there, including the registration card from Microsoft
and the warranty registration from Apple. I'd love to fill those out
and send them in. :-)
> Hint for you young-uns: Apple's DOS hit version 3.3 about 4 or 5 years
> before MS did. After that, they wised-up and started over with ProDOS.
> While it had its failings, at least they had the balls to throw the old OS
> out and begin from scratch. Something MS should have done with MS-DOS.
They did try that, along with IBM. It was called OS/2.
David Williams - Computer Packrat
Received on Thu Sep 10 1998 - 09:44:29 BST