On 10 Sep 98, at 9:50, Hans Franke wrote:
> Woha. Dont open. At least that what's I would do
> (especialy since my Apple /// was stolen 2 weeks ago :().
> Try to get a second one.
To late, already openned it. I never really had any intention of
leaving it wrapped. I bought it that way because I knew everything
would be there and I wanted to use it in my Apple ///. BTW, sorry
to hear about your Apple ///. Hope they didn't get anything else.
That has always worried me. Anyone breaking in wouldn't know
what this stuff really was and would think they just found
something that would get them thousands at the pawn shop.
> to get the softener out. And third: In a lot of cases
> there are stickers on top. If you rewarp the card you
> loose them. And most visible, forth: if you juse it
> there will be dust on the card and traces on the books.
Problem here is you may not know what stickers were there to
begin with so you wouldn't know if they were missing. And with the
last one, you would have to remove the wrap to check for dust on
the card or traces on the books. If you don't break the wrap and
open the box, you can't check for dust.
> I always try to keep original packt items as they are,
> althru I have some early singleboarders (i.e. 6800),
> where I have to fight myself every time I see them :)
I'd lose that fight. I don't have anything with a 6800 on it and would
love to play with one. Those suckers would be in use right now if
they were around my place. I do try and keep the original packing
materials around, ie. boxes and what not when I have them.
David Williams - Computer Packrat
Received on Thu Sep 10 1998 - 09:53:49 BST