I managed to pick up a Fora LP-386c mini-lunchbox (kinda like some of the
Compaq's). Dated 1989, so almost classic, and my first "F" computer!
Also, I got a Powerbook 140, which needs work on the screen, but otherwise
seems (afaik) okay. Anyone know how to remove the screen on this? Inside,
it has some interesting connectors. There are some flat... hmmm.. plastic
strips with traces on them (kinda like ultra-flat ribbon cables?) that go
into what look like IDC connectors. Only, you pull up on the top rim of
the IDC-like things, and that releases the ends of the flat things.
Surprised the heck out of me when I was (gently!) trying to pull the whole
thing off. 8^)
Along with that was a Powerbook Duo 230 & 280, weird connectors for the
power supply; looks like an RCA jack. Anyone know what voltage etc, and
would an RCA plug work?
Lastly, but not least, is probably the coolest item I've found in a while
-- A Frisbee that says XEROX PARC on it. Very neat!
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad
roger_at_sinasohn.com that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California
Received on Fri Sep 11 1998 - 18:13:20 BST