Need help with TRS-80 Hard Drive

From: Ward Donald Griffiths III <>
Date: Sat Sep 12 19:11:55 1998

Bob Withers wrote:
> Hello.
> I have a "TRS-80 Five Meg Disk System" model 26-1130 that I'd like to use with a Model 4D.
> The hard drive seems to power up fine but I have no cables to connect it to the Mod4. In
> addition, the back of the hard drive appears to have a connector missing. On the back of the
> drive cabinet I see the following:
> Computer In: empty opening, no cover
> Control Out: 34 pin male connector
> Data Out A: empty, metal cover over opening
> Data Out B: empty, metal cover over opening
> Data Out C: empty, metal cover over opening
> Opening the drive case shows no obvious connector where a missing cable might attach.
> If anyone can assist with information and/or parts please let me know.

The cable is a piece of cake to build. Straight through from the
edge connector under the back of the 4D to the header connector
labeled "Computer In". The other connectors on the back of the
drive are for connecting up to three additional drives to the
controller built into the one you have. (The short cables from the
controller to the empty data out cutouts came with the secondary
drives. They too are easy to fabricate.)

The connector under the 4D _should_ be labeled expansion bus or
something like that -- I never did much with the 4D, they came out
about the time I left the company.
Ward Griffiths <> <>
When I was crossing the border into Canada, they asked me if I had any
firearms with me.  I said "Well, what do you need?"  --  Steven Wright
Received on Sat Sep 12 1998 - 19:11:55 BST

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