NeXT [was Re: Radio Shack Model ][ available (Portland Oregon)]

From: Ward Donald Griffiths III <>
Date: Sun Sep 13 00:54:05 1998

Captain Napalm wrote:

> -spc (Quick question: how common are ARCNET cards for PCs and Tandy
> 6000s? I know there are Linux drivers for ARCNET cards, and I
> have two Tandy 6000s ... )

Not especially common, not especially rare. Trouble is, the
software for the Model II (there were never Xenix drivers for
Arcnet for the Tandy 6000) is incompatible with anybody else's
Arcnet software, even Tandy's Vianet which connected Tandy and
other PCs in a peer-to-peer network (though at least the Tandy
2000 got in on that one). An Arcnet card in a Model 2 or 12
or in a 16 or 6000 in Z-80 mode will only talk to others of its
own kind. And Ghod only knows where any copies of the server
software might be (Model 2 Arcnet was _not_ peer-to-peer).

About the best way to connect a Tandy 68k Xenix system to the
world is through a serial link to a Linux box. As I've done.
Hopefully when I finally have a permanent link from my Linux
communication server to the Internet, it will be possible for
folks to login to my 6000HD (and one of my AT&T 7300s) from a
secured telnet session to Linux and the old cu command (or
maybe minicom).

I suppose it might be possible to somehow port slip to Tandy
Xenix. I am not capable of doing so, however.
Ward Griffiths <> <>
When I was crossing the border into Canada, they asked me if I had any
firearms with me.  I said "Well, what do you need?"  --  Steven Wright
Received on Sun Sep 13 1998 - 00:54:05 BST

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