Thank you Tim... I have written a 7" reel of tape with the word
"D'OH!" several thousand times, and I am now wearing it as I type. ;}
On Sun, 13 Sep 1998 wrote:
> > On my now beautifully working uVAX II (thanks again Allison!) I
> Some very important questions that need to be answered:
> 1. Which version of VMS?
5.4 maj id=1, min id=0
> 2. What commands did you use? The *exact* commands, with all qualifiers.
> You know, it is *very* hard for us to tell what you did wrong unless
> you tell us exactly what you did!
You know, I wasn't exactly looking for precise commands (re-read
my post, just general info and 'why not try this' type of stuff.
More the algorithmic side... how tape is logically different from
disk.. to help me understand where the appropriate command apply...
but I will copy herewith according to your wishes:
> It sounds like you may have
> very well mounted the tape /FOREIGN, in which case there is no
> file name associated with each file. (See the ANSI labeled tape
> spec for more details about what /FOREIGN isn't doing for you :-) )
And 'The ANSI labeled tape spec' is available where.... ?
> > I mounted/foreign an RT-ll sig tape, and tried to copy it to the
> >HD; same thing. Show/Dev/MSA0: shows the right Volume Label.. but
> >the directories are empty when I copy them back...
> Again, what commands? If you MOU/FOR the tape, by default there
> is no "file name" associated with each file, and on a copy back you
> will get files named "." (apparently what you are seeing).
OK: from the console pile o' paper....
and dir fails for (now) obvious reasons.
_Device: MSA0:
Magtape MSA0:, device type TS11, is online, allocated, deallocate
on dismount, mounted foreign, record-oriented device, file-
oriented device, error logging is enabled.
Error count 2 Operations completed 41
and so forth... I'm not gonna transcribe all this, but it does
report: Volume Label 'RTSIG ' Density 1600 Format Normal-11
%DIRECT-W-NOFILES, no files found
(tape runs; HD led blinks, I enjoy the music for 6 or 7 minutes, then)
.;10 .;9 .;8 .;7
.;6 .;5 .;4 .;3
.;2 .;1
(Remeber, Folks, I am learning this as I go along, going from the
manual to the help files to the console and back again... this took
> When dealing with RT-11 (not ll!) tapes under VMS, please keep
> in mind the very detailed advice in the RT-11 "Volume and File
> Formats Manual", pages 1-37 through 1-39.
Easier kept in mind when the mind in question actually has *access*
to the aforementioned document; this one does not. :( (refer to
original post. I have only the VMS User's Guide and the "help" system
on the machine. I also scanned thru my RT-11 Orange Wall, but didn't
find it in there, either.. I will look again when off-line.
Finally, don't forget "/LOG" if you
want to know what each > COPY command is really doing for you :-).
I didn't look at this one.. I will experiment.
> As a basic test of ANSI labeled tape functionality under VMS, try this:
> INIT MSA0: TEST (if it complains, use /OVER=(ID,ACCESS) )
Will try this a bit later, (after dinner).
> Tim Shoppa
Also, Tim... if DEC Hard Drive test-sets are of interest to you, I
have three which are taking up Space... they are looking to be
adopted for the price of shipping... e-mail me privately and we can
go from There.
Cheers and Thanks
Received on Sun Sep 13 1998 - 20:41:12 BST
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