Here's something to consider.

From: John Foust <>
Date: Mon Sep 14 09:39:55 1998

At 09:43 PM 9/13/98 -0700, youthful photogenic Sam Ismail wrote:
>The lesson of this story is, you can have the best, most amazing product
>in the world, but "build it and they will come" does not apply. You've
>got to advertise. Apple was obviously more masterful at this.]

In my experience, when engineers and programmers say "best" they mean
technically pure, interesting, vibrant, and often cost-effective.

They always seem baffled by the marketplace when it decides that
"best" means something else and doesn't buy the coolest technology
as frequently as something seemingly second-best, and it only gets
worse when others begin to espouse the notion that "most popular"
equals "best" as well.

- John
Received on Mon Sep 14 1998 - 09:39:55 BST

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