Fw: PCjr available to good home (Ohio)

From: Cliff Gregory <cgregory_at_lrbcg.com>
Date: Tue Sep 15 15:51:28 1998

Please contact Birger directly if you are interested in the PCjr.

Cliff Gregory

-----Original Message-----
From: Cliff Gregory <cgregory_at_lrbcg.com>
To: Birger A. Bentsen <ansgar_at_ix.netcom.com>
Date: Tuesday, September 15, 1998 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: PCjr

>Hi Birger,
>Thanks for the inquiry. I already have a fair quantity of PCjr hardware,
>I really wouldn't be interested in any more at this time; however with your
>permission I can post the availability of the computer with various
>newsgroups and mailing lists that I subscribe to. Surely there will be
>someone there who would give it a nice home. Please don't discard this
>classic. Let me know if it is OK to post your message.
>Cliff Gregory
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Birger A. Bentsen <ansgar_at_ix.netcom.com>
>To: cgregory_at_lrbcg.com <cgregory_at_lrbcg.com>
>Date: Tuesday, September 15, 1998 8:07 AM
>Subject: PCjr
>>Cliff Gregory:
>>I contacted the PCjr Club in Eugene, OR, asking if the club knew of
>>anyone who might be interested in a PCjr. I received an e-mail message
>>listing your name as someone who might be able to "find a home" for my
>>old PCjr.
>>I have one PCjr Enhanced Version in working order. I don't want to throw
>>it away, rather, I would like to find someone who might want to keep it.
>>Let me know if you are interested. I live in Riverside, a suburb of
>>Dayton, OH.
Received on Tue Sep 15 1998 - 15:51:28 BST

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