GUIs 'forced' on people (was Re: Here's something to consider.)

From: Sam Ismail <>
Date: Wed Sep 16 17:35:49 1998

On 16 Sep 1998, Eric Smith wrote:

> There is a small minority that dislikes GUIs. I've seen no evidence
> that any substantial number of people were forced into GUIs; most people seem
> to like them. Since deployment of Windows started as a fairly gradual thing,
> and gained momentum at an exponential rate, it is obvious that the majority
> of users must have preferred it.

Or it could mean that good marketing led them in that direction. Just
because people take to one technology over another does not mean its
necessarily better. Take VHS vs. Beta for instance. Some technologies
are better for some things. GUI was not a cure all, but a major
improvement for the non-computer types. For guys like me its
a nuisance. I always have at least two DOS windows open under 95 for when
I need to do REAL work.

The last thing I want decisions on future products to be based on is
popular opinion, as that is often unreliable and contrary to what I would
prefer. Look at the polls on Clinton for example.

> With any new development, there will always be some group that
> don't like it, but get forced along.

We don't have to accept it either.

Sam Alternate e-mail:
Ever onward.

                September 26 & 27...Vintage Computer Festival 2.0
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Received on Wed Sep 16 1998 - 17:35:49 BST

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