Warming up an IMSAI P/S

From: Eric Smith <eric_at_brouhaha.com>
Date: Sat Sep 19 14:21:05 1998

Tim wrote:
> And by this point in time ferroresonant transformers were also being
> dropped in by folks who weren't happy with the original supply, either.
> Having used a large variety of S-100 boxes, far and away my favorite
> power supplies are ones with ferroresonant transformers.

I've been told that one shouldn't plug anything using a ferroresonant
transformer into a UPS. Perhaps someone who knows more about the
characteristics of ferroresonant transformers (and UPSes) can explain why,
or refute the claim. I haven't tried it, because the only thing I have (*)
containing a ferroresonant transformer *is* my UPS, and there's no point
plugging that into itself.

Although just a few days ago a friend who shall remain nameless was talking
about playing around with two old, decommisioned UPSes. He pluged each one
into the other to see what the frequency of the resulting on/off osciallation
would be (about two seconds as it turned out).


(*) The only modern thing, anyhow. Did DEC use ferroresonant transformers in
any of their machines?
Received on Sat Sep 19 1998 - 14:21:05 BST

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