Kids these days

From: Tom Owad <>
Date: Sat Sep 19 18:27:41 1998

>You might get an old EPROM programmer at a Radio rally/hamfest. But
>they're often not that cheap. How about buildign one for your next
>project - to program standard EPROMs (2764s - 27512s, say) is not that
>hard. Basically you have to set up the address and data, take one of the
>pins (Vpp) up to 12.5V (or 21V, or even 25V on older devices) and then
>apply a 50ms program pulse to another pin. And repeat for all the
>locations you want to program.

I have a BAL-500 EMROM Programmer for the Apple II I've been meaning to
experiment with. No documentation or software, of course. Is any
"special" software required to operate an EPROM programmer, or can it be
programmed using the Apple II's BASIC or Assembly (not that I know

>When i built my first embedded control system I had to build an EPROM
>programmer first....

Tom Owad

Sysop of Caesarville Online
Client software at: <>
Received on Sat Sep 19 1998 - 18:27:41 BST

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