On 21-Sep-98 Zane H. Healy wrote:
>that really caught my eye was a WD33C93-PL. Could this be a fabled
>SCSI controller? The WD chip is the same as an Amiga 3000's SCSI
Sure is. Sounds to me like you got lucky! That's WD's SCSI
chip, and it can be either a single-ended or differential interface
depending on the line drivers used.
Bruce Lane, owner and head honcho, Blue Feather Technologies
E-Mail: kyrrin (at) jps [d=o=t] net (munged to screw up spambots)
Sent on 20-Sep-98 at 19:58:43, Pacific --
"...No matter how much we may wish otherwise, our science can
only describe an object, event, or living creature in our own human
terms. It cannot possibly define any of them..."
Received on Sun Sep 20 1998 - 21:58:37 BST