ELKS worked more or less last time I checked it. I think Minix is a
lot better for the purpose, though.
I've seen several attempts at UNIX for the Commodore, but never tried
them. are they anything like UNIX, or just demo UNIX look-alikes?
(The difference is that when you type ls on one, it executes assembly
or C code, and when you do it on the other, it has a bit of code:
300 IF A$ = "ls" THEN LOAD "$",8,1 )
>On this list, "classic" means 10 years old or older, for the most part.
>The 386 already qualifies. However, there is a project (stalled?) to
>Linux running on some older 8-bitters:
> http://www.linux.org.uk/ELKS-Home/index.html
>-- Doug
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Received on Mon Sep 21 1998 - 16:32:40 BST