Removing mailing label gunk

From: Jon Healey <>
Date: Mon Sep 21 23:13:26 1998

Hi Manney,

I frequently buy books that are discounted or second hand.
These always have annoying old labels on them that are
a pain to remove. And my goal is to save the books cover
at the same time (typically these are the glossy style covers
that are popular for computer books these days).

What I do is remove the majority of the "gunk" either with
my fingernail or carefully with a pocket knife and then
I use something with a sticky backing to remove the
rest. The material with a sticky backing might be the
label I just removed or scotch tape or a new label I've
peeled off of some junk mail. You take that stickey
material and repeatedly (like 50-60 times), stick it
on the gunk and then peel it off again.

This is incredibly tedious, but it works like a charm.
You end up with a perfectly clean surface with no damage
done during the cleaning. This may not work for you
epson since you may not be able to reach all the places
where there is gunk. But give it a try.


>An Epson gas eaten several mailing labels over the years (I think at least
>_some_ of the labels must be 10 years old!).
>What's good stuff to remove the gunk without melting the plastic?
Received on Mon Sep 21 1998 - 23:13:26 BST

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