Quantum Q540 as a RD52

From: Zane H. Healy <healyzh_at_ix.netcom.com>
Date: Tue Sep 22 22:23:31 1998

>Here's the RD52 numbers, straight from the RQDX3 DEC-internal docs:

THANK YOU Tim, This is the kind of info I've been searching EVERYWHERE for!
The info on the Quantum page was virtually worthless, and I'd not been able
to find anything anywhere else. If you haven't already, could you please
stick this on the PDP-11 FTP site, so the next person will have an easier
time finding it (if it was already there I'm going to feel really stupid).

| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
| healyzh_at_ix.netcom.com (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
| healyzh_at_holonet.net (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| and Zane's Computer Museum. |
| http://www.dragonfire.net/~healyzh/ |
Received on Tue Sep 22 1998 - 22:23:31 BST

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