
From: Aaron Christopher Finney <>
Date: Thu Sep 24 00:38:33 1998

First I'd like to come forward and admnit that I myself made an aquarium
out of a modern-ish 15" monitor. It's neat, about 5 gallons. The monitor
was junk.

Oh, but how much do you want to hate this guy? Did anyone read through his
plans for making the Macquarium IV? He disassembles a mac with all of it's
parts intact, and even advises that if you're planning to throw away the
CRT to make sure that you break the end off the tube, listening for the
hiss. Then the doozy:

"Note the 'Hyperdrive' sticker on the back of this Mac. This was one of
the first internal hard drives for Mac with a cable that clipped directly
to the processor. Very cool, very expensive..."

Ok, like most collectors, I have a Mac + in the garage somewhere that has
been raided for its PS, etc. But wrecking rare stuff, that's just going
too far. Even if it does look f*ckin' cool.

On Wed, 23 Sep 1998, Zane H. Healy wrote:

> I thought it was a very appropriate reaction seeing the post. Not even
> taking the pair of Lisa's into consideration, he's got a couple of Mac's I
> wouldn't mind having had before he destroyed them! One would hope that
> they were parts machines prior to this, but I doubt it. Having said that I
> have considered doing this with one of my Mac Pluses that IS a parts
> machine (and most parts are now gone out of it).
Received on Thu Sep 24 1998 - 00:38:33 BST

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