Need info on a DECUS tape #VS0108TB

From: Huw Davies <>
Date: Sun Sep 27 23:22:24 1998

At 12:21 PM 27-09-98 -0400, Christian Fandt wrote:

>Anybody have any info on this from either their own tape library or old
>archived DECUS S/W catalog listings?

OK, the contents are listed below.

This information (and lots of other DECUS stuff) is available from:


Yes, it's good old gopher. You should probably replace the %20 with a space...

 16.31 VS0108 The DECUS VMS Startup Set Version: AUGUST 1992

Author: Various

Submitted by: M. Edward Nieland

Operating System: VAX/VMS Source Language: BLISS-32, C, DCL,
MACRO-32, PASCAL, VAX FORTRAN Keywords: System Management - VMS,
Utilities - VMS

Abstract: This package contains some of the most popular
non-commercial programs for VMS sites. This tape is
intended to be easy to install, though it does not use
VMSINSTAL. Follow the directions found in the file

Following is a brief summary of highlights:
General Utilities
[.BOSS] Multi logins through one terminal.
[.BULLETIN] Electronic BULLETIN Board.
[.CMD] Save and Restore Command Line Recall Buffers.
[.DM$SD] Directory Manager/Set Default Utilities.
[.ERASE] Program to clear the Screen.
[.EXE] Executables of programs.
[.FILE] Modify File Attributes without touching data.
[.FIND] Utility to allow you to display information about a
[.FINGER] Enhanced SHOW SYSTEM and more.
[.KERMIT] Async Communications Protocol.
[.MAKE] Port of UNIX MAKE to rebuild programs.
[.MFTU] Mail File Transfer Utility.
[.MODIFY] MODIFY a string in all wildcarded files.
[.MOST] Port of UNIX More, TYPE with bells and
[.SEND ] Broadcast a message to another terminal.
[.SETDEF] Set Default Utility.
[.SPELL] A spelling checker.
[.STATUS] An enhanced SHOW SYSTEM.
[.SWING] Change Directories using Graph of directory
[.TERM_LOCK] Lock the terminal using the account
[.TPUVI] TPU emulation of the VI editor.
[.VFE] VAX File Editor, edit files byte by byte.
[.VMSGCC] GNU CC Compiler and C++ Compiler for VMS
                and BISON (YACC-like).
[.XMODEM-1] A XMODEM communication protocol package.
[.XMODEM-2] A XMODEM communication protocol package.
[.YMODEM] A YMODEM communication protocol package.
[.ZMODEM] A ZMODEM communication protocol package.
[.ZOO] Create and use compressed file archives.

System Manager Utilities
[.BECOME] BECOME another user.
[.MAILUAF] Manage the MAIL authorization File.
[.PROFILE] SMG Menu based utility to set up accounts.
[.SNAP] SNAP Shot of system, do things with it.
[.SUPSER052] Supervisor Series, a Terminal Watcher and
                Terminal Logger.
[.VERB] Decompile DCL tables to make changes.
[.WATCH] WATCH another terminal.
[.WATCHER] An idle terminal killer.
[.ZDEC] Zero Device Error Counters of SHOW ERROR.

Changes and Improvements: Updated programs and new material.

Complete sources not included.

Media (Service Charge Code): 2400' Magnetic Tapes (PB) Format:
VMS/BACKUP, 2400' Magnetic Tape (SB) Format: VMS/BACKUP, TK50 Tape
Cartridge (TB) Format: VMS/BACKUP

 Huw Davies | e-mail:
 Information Technology Services | Phone: +61 3 9479 1550 Fax: +61 3 9479
 La Trobe University | "If God had wanted soccer played in the
 Melbourne Australia 3083 | air, the sky would be painted green"
Received on Sun Sep 27 1998 - 23:22:24 BST

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