Email address changes

From: Allison J Parent <>
Date: Mon Sep 28 08:58:44 1998

< For you guys that are worried because you use Earthlink or Hotamil all
< can say is to raise hell with them for permitting SPAMMING or else chang
< your ISP.

Earthlink is actually one that has fought against fradulent spamming. Most
of the earthlink addresses I've gotten spam from didn't originate from
them but were fraudulent addresses. For filter purposes I used earthlink
is they were most common. Hotmail has been less a problem so I have a few
specific filters and can generally get mail from there YET.

< I'm in Orlando Florida. There's no significant damage here. LOTs of
< rain though.

Glad to hear your ok but that hurricane is still dangerous.

Received on Mon Sep 28 1998 - 08:58:44 BST

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