>> First, I noticed on the Apple ][e computers there were two slightly
>> different keyboards. On a few, the icon on the Apple key was larger
>> that on the rest of the computers. Is this one way to identify early
What about the little 'enhanced' LED?
>According to the technical manual, the easiest way to tell the original
>//e from the enhanced //e is to power it up with a monitor connected
>An original //e displays 'Apple ][' while an enchanced one display
>'Apple //e'. There is also an extended keybaord versions with a
>numeric keypad, but spotting that one is trivial.
>There is no mention in this manual of a difference in the 'Apple' key.
>> Finally, I haven't checked the drives but are there common problems I
>> look for when I start checking out the drives?
>Mechanical problems. I've never had an electronic failure on a Disk ][
>and I don't see why the //e drives would be any different.
>Mostly : Head alighment (Apple's trick of missing out the track0 sensor
>saved a few parts but is hard on the positioner), drive belt (on
>belt-driven drives, like the Disk ][, dirty heads.
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Received on Mon Sep 28 1998 - 18:53:30 BST