Nicolet, DEC rescue coming up

From: John Foust <>
Date: Wed Sep 30 09:40:52 1998

A few months ago, I picked up a scavenged non-working MicroVAX
and a little VaxStation 2000/VS410 from a junk storeroom at
Nicolet Instruments in Madison, WI. I'd missed a pair of much
nicer graphics-equipped MicroVAXes dumpstered a month or so before.

I've received word that they're clearing out this storeroom.
I know there'a a TK50, carts, manuals and lots of other misc. junk,
including several Cypher (?) mag tape units.

It was piled high and deep and very poorly organized. There's
also a rack-mount Nicolet 1280 that was known-working when retired.

Mr. Ismail, you have a 1080, would you like another from the
Nicolet family?

I'll pick up what makes sense, and post a list. I doubt I'll want
to keep it all.

- John
Received on Wed Sep 30 1998 - 09:40:52 BST

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