Chuck McManis wrote:
> At 08:56 PM 8/5/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >Still trying to find a DOS driver to use my newly acquired Sydos Puma 88
> >Drive
> I realize you want to use this with a DOS machine, an easier way to do that
> is to disassemble the drive slightly, attach a Centronics 50 to IDC 50 pin
> cable directly to the drive, then hook the centrontics to any ASPI
> compliant SCSI controller on the DOS box. Alternatively you can pull the
> drive out and install it in a no-name scsi case to make it look better.
> --Chuck
This is a good idea, and I may just do that if I can't find that driver from
But half the fun would be to locate the driver called and
noted on the Syquest Website. I have looked but sofar its not found..
I really would like to play with the unit as it was originally intended, To be
used as a
SCSI to Parrallel port Removable Cartridge drive..
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Received on Thu Aug 05 1999 - 20:37:24 BST