VaxStation 2000 and TK-50Zs

From: <(>
Date: Fri Aug 6 07:24:10 1999

> My thought was that I could use both on the VaxStation and use them to
> duplicate some tapes that are save_set(s). Apparently it cannot be done
> on the VS. Either unit is recognized when connected alone, but when both
> are connected the FA is always recognized as MUA0 and the GA is ignored.
> Does anyone have an explanation for this, or am I just doing it wrong?

The drivers for VS2000 are designed assuming a single device on the scsi
bus and only one tape best I know. Either that or the two being different
scsi firmware are interacting in some bad way.

> Assuming failure on the two tape approach, how might I make the duplicate
> tape(s) without wiping out the contents of my hard disk? It is at the
> moment fairly lightly loaded and may hold the save_set. The HD is an RD54
> by the way and I am running VMS 5.5.

The rd54 will hold complete 5.5 image and that image can be copied to
either another disk or tape(s). You would then need standalone backup
to copy the image back to another rd54 is you wish.

or use two vs2000s with a tape on each and DECnet running between them.

Received on Fri Aug 06 1999 - 07:24:10 BST

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