HP TSB internals

From: Jay West <jlwest_at_tseinc.com>
Date: Sat Aug 7 14:55:54 1999

It is both hand written and printed. A large chunk of it is printed, but
obviously not for public publication (ie. internal use only). Many of the
printed sections are supplemented with hand written and diagrammed stuff.
However, most (but not all) of the hand written stuff is incredibly neat (a
ruler was used to draw the figures, etc.). Most of the hand written stuff
looked like it was being prepped for overheads.

So - than answer is both!

Jay West
-----Original Message-----
From: Derek Peschel <dpeschel_at_u.washington.edu>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Saturday, August 07, 1999 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: HP TSB internals

>> No Sellam, no one took the time to reverse engineer TSB....
>> This manual is called 2000E IMS (Internals Maintenance Specification). It
>> was written by HP, and I'm pretty certain it was used to train new
>> programmers who were to work on the TSB code itself. It's just way too
>> detailed (and most of it printed too nicely) to be someone just doing
>> reverse engineering.
>> I'll probably get to scanning a few parts of it in next week.
>But you said it was _hand written_? That sounds rather counter-productive.
>...not that I'm complaining about the fact that you have it, of course.
>be fascinated to see it. Someone else said correctly that this kind of
>mentation was rare. It seems to me that's especially true about HP, which
>is a shame since their stuff's so well-designed. I could be wrong about
>that impression though.
>Are you coming to the VCF? Or if not, I wonder if there will be any 2100
>hardware there?
>-- Derek
Received on Sat Aug 07 1999 - 14:55:54 BST

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