> [The tatty 1570 box that's sitting on the side of my bench]
> > I keep all boxes that I get until a better one comes along. John
> One other thing to remember. I (like most people here I guess) are
> _terminally_ short of space.
> If I had infinite space, I'd keep all the boxes, etc, in case they were
> useful/historically important. As it is, I am not so sure....
Well, as someone already stated: boxes are way more easy to stack
as lets say a naked C64 - also they are ment to protext the stuff.
And since you cant have all stuff on your work bench, keeping the
boxes is a good thing. Last but not least, boxes keep all small
parts close to the unit - unless you see all just as interchangable
For my side, I prefer to have anything as close together as possible,
because, after some 18 years of collecting I had to learn the hard
way that my memory is less than perfect.
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Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut
Received on Mon Aug 09 1999 - 09:27:31 BST