EMC buys Data General

From: Hans B Pufal <hansp_at_digiweb.com>
Date: Mon Aug 9 13:42:29 1999

Chuck McManis wrote:
> Another classic computer maker "bites" the dust.
> See: http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,40250,00.html
> Which is a news.com story about how EMC (makers of storage products mostly)
> will buy Data General for 1.1 billion in stock. This was the last of the
> great mini-computer companies that had been left standing after DEC was
> bought by Compaq.
> I'm looking for other examples, but I believe this leaves IBM (System 360)
> and Sun (SPARC) as the last two companies who designed their own computer
> architecture still standing under their own name. (I don't count Xerox
> since they don't sell their D-series machines any more).
> Companies known to have gone away:
> Data General
> Tandem
> Prime

What about MIPS recently de merged from SGI. Then there is ARM,
Motorola, Intel if you count microprocessors (you listed Sparc) as
opposed to microcontrollers which would add a whole slew of other
companies like National, Microchip, Atmel...

Hans B Pufal Comprehensive Computer Catalogue
<mailto:hansp_at_digiweb.com> <http://digiweb.com/~hansp/ccc>
Received on Mon Aug 09 1999 - 13:42:29 BST

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