Old Mechanical Terminal....(Data Access)

From: Sellam Ismail <dastar_at_ncal.verio.com>
Date: Thu Aug 12 12:51:49 1999

On Thu, 12 Aug 1999, Arfon Gryffydd wrote:

> Hey guys, I just picked up a DATA ACCESS 1620 terminal. It looks like a
> HUGE IBM Executive typewriter but, I know it's not. Anyone have any
> information on this machine? Like how do I configure a serial port to talk
> to it?
> Here's some pictures:
> http://mh106.infi.net/~arfonrg/collection/

Aha! This is a Diablo "teletype". I've got one, just not in that gnarly
black color (I've forgotten what color mine is). I am pretty sure I have
a manual for it but its long buried and would take an Act of Congress to
root it out within a reasonable timeframe. At some point when my library
is organized and catalogued I would be able to help you. Sorry to lead
you on like that.

Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
Don't rub the lamp if you don't want the genie to come out.

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Received on Thu Aug 12 1999 - 12:51:49 BST

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