WANTED: cmi 5412 hard drive service manual

From: John Ott <jott_at_mastif.ee.nd.edu>
Date: Fri Aug 13 15:20:34 1999

Hello -

I'm looking for a Computer Memories Inc. 5412 service manual. Actually,
all I want are the pin outs and voltages going to the spindle motor
board, spindle motor and head motor.



* John Ott                         *  Email: jott_at_saturn.ee.nd.edu     *
* Dept. Electrical Engineering     *                                  *
* 275 Fitzpatrick Hall             *                                  *
* University of Notre Dame         *  Phone: (219) 631-7752           *
* Notre Dame, IN 46556        USA  *                                  *
Received on Fri Aug 13 1999 - 15:20:34 BST

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