> In the context of time place and speakers...
> First police officer: Joe
> Second officer: frank
> bystander:
> Scene: front of building
> Joe: Frank did you see her hardware?
> Frank: Holy cow, you don't seen them like that anymore!
> bystander: I have a IMSAI like that too.
> Frank: frisk him for hardware.
> Joe: no weapons.
> What is hardware at the scene? Context is every thing!
> Allison
Obviously all three of them are geeks, and the person being frisked is a
hacker. :)
I'm suddenly reminded of a line from Short Circuit where #5 is watching Allie
Sheedy take a bath. "Niiice software!"
Jim Strickland
BeOS Powered!
Received on Wed Aug 18 1999 - 15:08:08 BST