First Laptop

From: Wayne Smith <>
Date: Wed Aug 18 18:57:28 1999

>>> "Paul Passmore" <> 08/18 4:52 PM >>>
>Ok, heard back from my friend Bob the Epson man. he says"Epson never said
>that they made the first laptop computer. Epson said they made the first
>NOTEBOOK computer. This may seem to be a Marketing word game, but I feel
>that given that the computer was the first
>portable computer about the size of a notebook, their statement is true and
>is one of the few things they told us that was true. "

Must be true because you can easily fit, for example, an HP-85 in your lap (although it's a bit hard to see the screen).

Received on Wed Aug 18 1999 - 18:57:28 BST

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