imsai 2

From: Richard Erlacher <>
Date: Thu Aug 19 22:33:34 1999

Nope, what I'm referring to is the retail outlet of a "real" electronics
supplier, e.g. Newark, etc.

I haven't bought components from RS since the late '70's when we bought some
regulators, I think there were several hundred because they were the only
ones who could ship them promptly. We found after testing about a hundred,
that none of the ones we tested were in tolerance. I have bought nibblers,
a soldering iron, a neat little wirewrap tool for the briefcase
(discontinued because it was too good) and a solder-sucker from RS since
then, notice I remember EVERY item. Not one component is on the list. I'd
almost wager that none of their 5% resistors fall within 5%.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Duell <>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Thursday, August 19, 1999 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: imsai 2

>> The joke is on the one who tries to buy from a "real" elelctronics shop,
>> where 1/4-watt resistors cost upwards of a buck . . . and the first item
>> the list costs $100 because that's their minimum.
>That sounds like RatShack, not an electronics shop :-). Over here,
>resistors cost 3p (say 5 cents) each in 10-off quantities (0.6W, 1%).
>The only time I've payed nearly a pound for a resistor is when it was
>either precision (0.1% ones are a lot more expensive) or high power (50W
>metal-cased ones, for example).
Received on Thu Aug 19 1999 - 22:33:34 BST

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