--- healyzh_at_aracnet.com wrote:
> So *THAT* is what an 11/725 is! <shudder> Isn't the RC25 one of those drives
> that rates about the same if not worse than a RD53? What I was refering to
> is that VMS V5.1 is the last version to support it.
I still wonder why. The only thing I can think of is that either the driver
for the RC25 was removed or that VMS would no longer fit on an RC25 cartridge
as a boot volume. The drives used two platters, one fixed, one removable, 26Mb
each. You spun them up as a pair. When I got my 11/725 in 1988 ($4K), the
guys who shipped it didn't ship it with a removable cart (they also shipped
it sans grant cards and the terminator shoved all the way up the UNIBUS which
fried the PSU on power-on).
> Hmmm, now I'm going to have to dig up one of my catalogues and see if it's
> the 11/725 or another system that I saw a picture of and thought it looked
> cool. Could very well be, is the 11/725 a really tiny system that could go
> beside a desk?
It's a little larger than a BA123 and about the same proportions. I wanted one
because it was the most affordable VAX at the time. I wish I still had it.
Fortunately for me, my boss paid the $4K, I only paid $1.5K for it.
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Received on Thu Dec 02 1999 - 13:02:36 GMT