On Dec 3, 16:08, Carlos Murillo-Sanchez wrote:
> Tony Duell wrote:
> > Another warning. There's a stuff called 'silver solder' used by
> > engineers. This is _NOT_ the same stuff at all -- it's high melting
> > (you can use it on small steam engine boilers, etc). I'm not sure it
> > contains silver.
> I believe it does contain silver indeed. It is _very_ expensive.
> And you need acethylene+O2 in order to use it.
Not usually; the whole point of most silver solders is that they have a low
melting point compared to, say, brazing alloys, and can be used with a
butane or propane torch in air.
The cadmium-free ones, though, are used because they don't adversely affect
other materials (eg titanium) and they have rather higher melting points,
similar to brazing alloy or even higher.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Dept. of Computer Science
University of York
Received on Fri Dec 03 1999 - 17:06:06 GMT