HP-IL/RS232C Interface

From: thomas.h.lindberg_at_se.abb.com <(thomas.h.lindberg_at_se.abb.com)>
Date: Fri Dec 10 07:21:37 1999

Don, Joe,

I might be able to help both of you!

I believe that I have a manual for the HP-IL RS323 device somewhere, probably
also the device itself. I'll check and revert.

I also have an old HP 110+, the HP-IL printer that goes (went) with it, a HP-IL
floppy drive (720kb), and a HP-IL GPIO device (General Purpose I/O).
I'm willing to trade the HP-IL RS232 device for (almost) anything for the
HP110+, S/W, firmware, or the memory expansion board. Suggestions, please!

Received on Fri Dec 10 1999 - 07:21:37 GMT

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