Qbus and Q/CD jumpers

From: John Lawson <jpl15_at_netcom.com>
Date: Mon Dec 13 01:31:09 1999

On Sun, 12 Dec 1999, Chuck McManis wrote:

> I've read the micronotes but I'm still confused. I've got a DHV11 in a
> BA213 which is 12 Q/CD slots. Since the slots aren't Q/Q it doesn't need
> the jumpers installed for the grants but will having them installed screw
> anything up?

  Chuck, I have the DHV11 Technical Manual here, if that would be of
any help. I can transcribe relevant parts, or send it to you for a

  Let me know.


Received on Mon Dec 13 1999 - 01:31:09 GMT

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