Need info on a Toshiba 3100e/40

From: Paul Braun <>
Date: Sat Dec 18 19:29:55 1999

I was just given a 3100e/40 "laptop". It powers up, screen works,
goes through bios and then asks for a boot disk. The expansion
bay is empty, which is where I assume the hd goes.

I tried booting from a DOS 6.22 disk, but it couldn't recognize it. I'm
guessing that it's not a 1.44mb drive.....800k perhaps? (It's 3.5")

What version of DOS is the latest supported? I would also like any
info on the processor, etc. The little beast has one whole meg of
ram, so this is truly a power machine......remember when you
could fit a word processor into 64k of ram along with Basic?

Also, what kind of hd does it support? I'm guessing I'll have to track
down a proprietary drive carrier, but does it use ide or is it mfm/rll?


Paul Braun
NerdWare -- The History of the PC and the Nerds who brought it to you.
Received on Sat Dec 18 1999 - 19:29:55 GMT

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