I would have said Apple, with the LCD screen that went on the Apple 2 C.
But I think that was after 1982.
> At 12:36 AM 12/21/99 GMT, you wrote:
> >Who (by company, that is) invented the first "clamshell" laptop? I am
> >tempted to believe it is either GRiD or Zenith Data Systems that introduced
> >this style, but if I had to, I'd lay my money on GRiD.
> Take the money and run.
> GRiD Compass: 1982 (Sometime in the fall)
> Sharp PC-5000: 1983 (March)
> Gavilan: 1983 (March or April)
> TRS-80 m100: 1983
> TRS-80 m200: 1985?
> I don't know what Zenith's first clamshell was, but I'm pretty sure it was
> much later on.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
> Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad
> roger_at_sinasohn.com that none but madmen know."
> Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
> San Francisco, California http://www.sinasohn.com/
Jim Strickland
BeOS Powered!
Received on Tue Dec 21 1999 - 19:29:29 GMT