Info needed on SWTP & IA

From: Hans Franke <>
Date: Tue Dec 28 08:40:53 1999

> 6800 clock chip is a 6871A

Well, was it used on the SWTP ? It's just, I have no docs about
the machine anymore ... somewhere maybe :)

> > The second is about an Ithaca Audio IA-1010 S100 bus card.
> > I foud it between a lot of S100 stuff I had in a pile for
> Could be anything likely CPU or memory. As afar as I can remember IA
> never had a sound card. IT was just their name. I used to call on them
> up in Ithica NY.

Ah ja - ok, so the question is what's an IA-1010 - it doesn't
look like a CPU nor MEMcard.


Der Kopf ist auch nur ein Auswuchs wie der kleine Zeh.
Received on Tue Dec 28 1999 - 08:40:53 GMT

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