> With the Euro being accepted as the new official currency
> of a combined European nation what will happen to all of
> those people wuth old computers who want to use the
> character but cannot. There are a number of fonts that have
> appeared on the Amiga and Windows PCs but I have to find
> any with the Euro character for the Atari ST, or any other
> old computer. Does anyone know of any efforts to make these
> characters available to operating systems such as CP/M?
THere is also a solution for the Atari, and AFAIK a ASCII
solution: on the european charsets (7-Bit) either the #
sign (already Pound on english keyboards) or the $ sign
(already used as 'curency' sign on some charsets - displayed
as a circle with 4 spikes) is repleaced by the (stupid) E.
Or just write down the official 3 letter abrevation EUR like
used by every kind of money trading system and stock exchange.
BTW: this E symbol is one of the 4 most stupid ideas around
the euro - a typical pice of shit like most ideas developed
by politicians. Don't get me wrong, the Euro is a good idea,
but they tried to make it as stupid as possible.
Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut
Received on Mon Feb 01 1999 - 10:33:51 GMT