At 11:39 PM 2/1/99 -0500, Doug wrote:
>...Everything went fine until he tried to ship the first machine to Sol Libes
>via freight train. The train entered the Bermuda Triangle and was never
>seen again. However, if you watch the episode of Star Trek that was aired
>that night, you'll see a strange blue box that appears in the transporter
>room after Spock returns from the planet Imsai. Weird, huh?
Which does bring to mind a question... (speaking of folklore and all...)
The original design for the Altair as presented in those fateful issues of
"Popular Electronics" had no bus or backplane, but was just four circuit
boards wired together with ribbon cable. (as shown in a picture in part one
of the article)
It would seem, that true seekers of the 'Holy Grail' would be trying to
determine if any machines in that original configuration were ever actually
shipped! And then the task would be to find one of those!
Now, THAT would be on a par with the Apple I ! Eh?
Do I know? That would be telling... B^}
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Received on Tue Feb 02 1999 - 00:46:53 GMT