Need some O.T. help

From: <(>
Date: Tue Feb 2 22:25:28 1999

Date sent: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 18:46:35 -0500
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From: "Charles E. Fox" <>
To: "Discussion re-collecting of classic computers" <>
Subject: Need some O.T. help

> I realize this is way OT, but hope someone can give me some advice.

> until it sets for a while.
> Since this is the first time I have tangled with an ATX I have no spare
> parts to substitute, so any help on how this power supply is supposed to
> operate would be much appreciated.
> Regards
> Charlie Fox

Hi Fox! I'm in Kingston, Ontario!

Anyway about the ATX fubar.

Minimum items to make things spin:

CPU w/ fan installed, please double check it's all the way in by
very firm with some rocking to seat CPU in. DIMMs installed
correctly and all the way in. Clock rate set right, multipler is out of
picture of your worries because intel is currently procducing
multipler locked for PII and both Celerons.
And normally open soft-switch power plugged in right pins on
motherboard, ATX is plugged and switched on if it has cutoff switch
on it. All it needs is a push on the soft-switch to become alive.
Push it again or push in and hold to get it turned off if it has this

AGP video cards and CPU have to be all the way in properly
because of double layer of contacts rather like EISA of its heyday.

I'm using Asus P2B, PII 350, 64MB, G200 8MB SGRAM AGP
OEM ver. Very stable as rock and powerful.

What's yours stuff consists of?

Jason D.
Received on Tue Feb 02 1999 - 22:25:28 GMT

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