> > Like an E, but no, more like a genic mutated C, crossbreeded
> > with a debenerated = ... C^H= .... just nonsense - for what
> > reason we need such a stupid symbol ?
> Uh-oh, Hans...am I detecting hostility toward the Euro?
No, just about some stuipd ideas around like
a) the name - calling it Euro and cent is a coward like solution
to avoide any problems with choosing a real name.
b) the dual labeling in stores for THREE years - nonsense
c) the tree year period of having a new curency but not issuing
notes or coins - three years of double book keeping, enormus
software costs and tree years of possible fraud (They offered
the bad guys a lot of time to develop strategies and 'earn'
their money).
d) The stupid symbol.
> Why, if it helps
> to consolidate power in the hands of your government, which can
> subesequently turn it over to you in the form of taxes? Don't you _want_
> a global english-speaking empire ;)
Of course .... what could be better than that (maybe with an
exception for a chineese speaking world) - no, serious, I
live very happy within some 20 million Bavarian speaking
people (and the other ca. 100 M German speaking that I can
at least understand :) - so for what I need In'glisch ?
TBOTA: the country specific variants of the 7-Bit ASCII have
been some trouble in the past, maybe it wasn't that visible
for the US boys (Did you know that there is also a kind of
cyrillic (russian) ASCII, where they not only replaced a few
symbols, but rather the whole alpha chars (and some additional,
since they have more letters). Even when using latin type ASCII
(7 Bit) there have been a lot of efforts to create multi language
editors for CP/M ... In the beginning even a single language
version of Wordstar was not possible other than US/GB english,
since the code positions where the 'special' letters where assigned
have been assumed to be non letters "_at_$&{[]}\|".
Der Kopf ist auch nur ein Auswuchs wie der kleine Zeh.
Received on Wed Feb 03 1999 - 08:29:10 GMT